Category Archives: All

Power up your pension in 2024

Did you know that you can make one-off pension payments at any time? In fact, [...]

What has the property market got in store for 2024?

2023 was not the most predictable of years for the property market. So, as we [...]

Protecting your home against storms this winter

Antoni and Agnes, Betty and Babet – all were names of storms in 2023. With [...]

‘110 Measures’ – the Chancellor’s Prime Focus 

Contrary to speculation, the Chancellor announced no reforms to Inheritance Tax (IHT) or ISA allowances, [...]

Time for a midlife (financial) MOT?

In the grand scheme of life, your 40s and 50s can be a unique and [...]

Extra hours to pay the mortgage?

In the face of rising bills, most advice to consumers tends to be focused on [...]

Fire – financial independence, retire early 

Many of us dream about an early retirement, spending time doing things we enjoy. Financial [...]

Economic Review – December 2023

Inflation drop sparks rate cut speculation A surprise sharp decline in the rate of inflation [...]

Residential Property Review – December 2023 

Sellers knock £18,000 off asking prices Sellers accepted an average discount of £18,000 on their [...]

Commercial Property Review – December 2023 

‘Grey’ warehouse space on the rise According to recent analysis by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), [...]